Don’t Make These Common Teeth Brushing Mistakes!

January 29, 2020
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When it comes to proper teething cleaning and general dental care habits, many of us are a little bit in the dark about certain practices. As with everything else in the world (especially anything to do with our health) there is a right way to do things and usually, multiple wrong ways.

Even when it is something as seemingly simple as brushing our teeth, a practice which most of us have been doing at least twice a day for our entire lives, there is still a large number of us that are doing it incorrectly. So your friendly oral healthcare professionals here at R+R Dental thought it might be helpful to offer a quick guide to the most common brushing mistakes that people make:

Waiting Too Long To Replace Your Toothbrush
The longest you should use any brush is a maximum of 3 to 4 months.

Improper Brushing Technique
Brushing too hard is the most common issue here. Also, the proper method is small, circular strokes that go from the gum line to the end of the tooth.

Not Brushing the Correct Amount of Time
We all know the drill, two minutes. Still, many of us shortchange our smile on the timeframe.

Brushing at the Wrong Times
Brushing right after eating can actually damage teeth, yet many people still do it.

If you would like to learn more information about how to properly care for your teeth and overall oral health, then don’t put your next visit off any longer. Simply stop by our offices here at R+R Dental. We’re located at 754 S. Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801.

If you would like to call us first to schedule an appointment or even just to ask us a few questions, our phone number is (516) 874-7834. One of our helpful team members will be glad to assist you!

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